Westosha youth basketball club
The Westosha Youth Basketball Club is a travel basketball program for boys and girls in the 3rd through 8th grades who live within the Westosha Central High School school district, attend one of the grade schools that feed into Westosha Central High School, or intend on going to Westosha Central High School. The Varsity Head Coaches and their staffs are actively involved in the program and serve as mentors to our volunteer coaches and well as participate in selected selected team activities.
Registration for the Westosha Youth Basketball Club occurs once per year, typically from August through the tryout dates in September and October. The registration fee covers all league and tournament entry fees and the cost of administering the program. Uniform cost is in addition to the registration fee. Please direct any questions to either Marcus Zackary (Co-Director, Boys) or Adam Mannetter (Co-Director, Girls).